Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So today is day 2 of the mini vacation. I have found a new favorite spot beside the pool. I can sit here for a little while until the sun makes its way over the house. I sat out here for about 2 hours last night. It is quite relaxing.

This morning I finished reading James 1. This section was all about listening and doing. I think this section really speaks to what I've been neglecting, a careful and consistent reading of the scriptures. I have often been the doer. That is easy for me. I like to see results so doing is a good thing. But the listening is harder. Like most, I don't like to hear that I am wrong and sometimes scriptures admonish me.

What about the anger part? I admit that I am slower to anger, but still not slow to anger. Unfortunately, my "anger" comes out in tears and anxiety instead of raging words, although that has been known to happen too. Verse 20 says "for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." If you are successful in this area. would you share with me how you do it? Share how you are able to let the anger go. I would again love to hear from you!

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