The more I seek You
The more I find You
The more I find You
The more I love You
I want to sit at Your feet
Drink from the cup in Your hand
Lay back against You and Breathe
Hear Your heartbeat
This love is so deep
It's more than I can stand
I melt in Your peace
It's overwhelming
The More I Seek You by Kari Jobe
I love this song. It is such a beautiful picture of the intimacy we have with God. And the words resonate true with me.
"The more I seek You, the more I find you."
This statement is so accurate. Just begin to study His Word, seek His will, pray for His peace and He is there! For me, it is similar to when I see or hear a new word that I swear I have never seen or heard before. I will go look it up in the dictionary or more than likely, I will just Google it. The definition pops up and I feel smarter for knowing how to use my new found friend. In the next week, I will hear that word ten times. Before I noticed the word, I would swear I had NEVER heard it in my 30 PLUS years on this planet, but in a week, I will hear it ten times. Does that mean the word is new? Did it just come out? Is it suddenly a popular word? No. It was there all along. I am just aware of it so I recognize it when I hear it. My friends, the same is true for God's voice. When you seek it, you will hear it. And when you hear it, you will know what it means.
"The more I find You, the more I love You."
How can you not? The love that was poured out has no comparison. The only thing that comes even slightly close is falling in love. Finding that person who you love a little more each time you learn something new. Seeing their face and feeling that crazy flutter in your heart. I can not fathom what the flutter will be like when I see my Jesus with my own eyes. What will happen to me when I gaze into those eyes and I see those scarred hands and feet? I tear up just thinking about it. It feels like I have been separated from the love of my life and my heart just aches to fall into His arms.
"I want to sit at Your feet,"
This is me being the learner. Like when we were in school and sat at the teacher's feet while she read us a story. But it's better because it's not a second hand reader. It is the Almighty who has experienced and seen everything so the stories are from the ultimate eyewitness. And just read a little of His word to see that He is the Master storyteller. What will we learn?
"Drink from the cup in Your hand"
In a social gathering we each have our own cup. We write our names on them so they don't get mixed up. When I was a child, my mother's drink was my drink. I know it made her crazy because she would come back to drink it and it would be gone. Now, my drink is my children's drink and I see why it made her nuts. But the point is, with Jesus, there is one cup. I get to accept it from Jesus and drink from it. There is a familiarity there. It is family.
"Lay back against You and Breathe
Hear Your heartbeat"
This is the line that gets me. When I was little, I loved to curl up on my dad's lap. Today, I can curl into my husband's arms. It is safe. It is secure. It is a comfort when I am sad or stressed. It is pure love. But these arms... wow... these arms are infinitely bigger, infinitely stronger, infinitely warmer. I can't even describe it. I once wrapped a child in a warm blanket to try to illustrate the comfort we will feel when we get to do this. It's the only thing I can think of but it seems so pale in comparison. The world will melt away. The troubles will be gone. No pain, no fear, no sadness. Just the perfect rhythm of Jesus' heart. A beating heart to prove that He once lived, that He still lives, that He will always live.
"This love is so deep
It's more than I can stand
I melt in Your peace
It's overwhelming"