"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." - Genesis 9: 13 - 16
Today is one of those days that begin very early and promises to end very late. But it looks to be a good day. Here is why.
Let me set this up by telling you how much I hate getting up in the morning. It's not that I like to get up early, or late, I just plain detest the first-thing-in-the-morning feeling. I have never in my life, save maybe a trip to Disney, Christmas as a child or my wedding day, jumped out of bed, ready and excited to begin the day. I am just not wired that way. I have learned, however, that I am at my most productive when I am out of bed before 9 am. But 8:59 qualifies just fine for me.
Now you should understand the sarcasm when I tell you that I got up and drove Jeff to work this morning. He has to be to work by 7 am. We also had to go make a deposit at the bank, which is out at Disney. So, we left the house BEFORE 5:30 am.
Additionally, it was raining this morning. It began as a light sprinkle but varied between that and a steady downpour the whole way to work. I couldn't help but covet the people who were turning over in their beds, hearing the sound of rain on their roofs, and smiling as they drifted off to sleep again. That was how my morning would have started. Instead, I was holding a cup of coffee, trying to string a coherent sentence together whilst working up the strength to actually get the cup to my mouth. That really is no small task for this girl at 5:45.
As I was driving home an hour and a half later, I noticed a small streak in the sky. As I rounded the ramp to get on the turnpike, I realized it was the beginning of a rainbow. It steadily grew brighter and larger. I looked to the right a bit and saw the other half. The arch was obscured by clouds but you could see both legs. I was immediately struck by its beauty and reminded that God's promise is full and never obscured. What a positive thought to begin the day.
The rainbow grew even larger and more brilliant as I drove and I was completely focused on God's glorious presence right there in the car. Not only did I have no anxiety, I was in the complete absence of fear. Such amazing thoughts and beautiful images filled my head. I began to praise God right then and there. It is only by Him that I did not crash because I can tell you, I was not focused on the road. I know that because suddenly I turned off the turnpike onto the 408 and was headed back to Orlando. Yep, I completely turned in the wrong direction. You know what I did as I turned around? I laughed. I had such joy that not even extra tolls and a delay in getting back to my bed could bring me down.
When I returned to the turnpike, the rainbow was gone. I could no longer see it and it was raining again. Suddenly, I was so thankful that God's promise is not so fleeting. He is steadfast in His love and grace. And my heart was full. Praise God.
Finally, my scientific brain kicked in and I thought about how the clouds were covering the sun and that was why the rainbow was no longer visible. Which brought about another wonderful thought. How cool is it that it is the sun that brings the rainbow just like it is the Son that brings the promise? The promise of life eternal. The promise of freedom from pain, and fear, and suffering. Then the radio gave a scripture that fit so perfectly, it felt like my personal gift from God.
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." Hebrews 12:2
Have a day that is filled with His promise and His blessings.
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