Monday, May 30, 2011

Wow it's been a week? I was doing really good there for awhile. This week has been a whirlwind and I just keep spinning. At some point I will hit the ground, hopefully running. Home for now. I leave with the two youngest kids Wednesday to head to Illinois. Here is what I loved about the last week.

I loved hanging out with Rachel and Kelsey at my mom's while they were visiting Autumn.
I loved that Autumn bought a real bathing suit that she likes.
I loved Jeff having a few days vacation.
I loved sitting by the pool reading my bible.
I loved the smell of the grill while Jeff cooked for us.
I loved hearing about Mom and Dad's trip.
I loved the Homeschool Convention and the inspiration to do this another year.
I loved hearing that Alex scored his first basket in his last game of the season!
I loved church on Sunday and hearing another great message.
I loved Paige taking over the director of house cleaning for me on Sunday.
I loved having people over for Family and Friend Dinner and Devo night.
I loved AJ being home to play games last night.
I loved having Jenni and Albert Pavon stop by to hang for 12ish hours.
I loved eating breakfast at Chuck's Wagon.
I loved playing games with J&A before they had to leave.
I loved my Gator snuggie from J&A and I WILL be taking it to Illinois.
I loved hanging out at the Bores' house tonight and catching up with friends.
I loved my crazy daughter driving me around in the golf cart and having to push it up hill.
I loved laughing until my sides hurt at DJ describing their London vacation.

And those are the HIGHLIGHTS! I could go on and on. I love my crazy life. I am abundantly blessed by an awesome God!

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