Wednesday, October 26, 2011


London.  Mid October, 1940.  Ruby laid on a cot in her family's air raid shelter.  A soft rumbling thunder rolled through the night and jolted her from her light slumber.  The flickering hue of the lantern bounced eerily off the walls and onto the face of her worried mother.  Cool dampness filled the air of the cramped quarters.  She shivered slightly but not from the cold.

The rumble grew steadily louder and with it, her fear.  Even at her young age, she understood what was coming.  The scene had replayed itself out night after night for weeks.  Soon the sound of plane engines would be overhead and she would huddle and pray that their home would not be tonight's target.  Neighbors had already sustained direct hits.  But a destroyed home was not her greatest fear.  A few blocks away, an entire family had been killed when a bomb hit their garden shelter.

She rose quietly and padded softly to her father's arms.  He smoothed her curls and kissed her forehead.  He reached out to her mother and pulled her into his arms.  The three of them embraced.

"Do not be afraid, my loves.  I am with you."
"But the planes, father, the planes are coming," Ruby said.
"I hear them.  But I have built a sturdy shelter to keep you safe."
"What if the soldiers come?" Ruby replied.
"I am ready to fight for you."
"Father, I am frightened!"
"I know.  But trust me child, I will not leave you.  You are safe in my arms."

Do you ever feel like Ruby?  I know this is exactly how I have felt over the past few days.  Completely consumed by the circumstances that are surrounding me.  Fear of what's to come.  Anxiety of what I'll face.  Trembling at things that are completely outside my control.

My self esteem has taken a hit.  Old hurts have been brought to the surface.  My confidence is shaken and I can't see the next step.  Fear threatens to take over as I hear the rumbling of distant thunder. If it does, my thoughts won't be my own.

What will I do?  Am I safe where I am?  Am I ready to face what is to come?  I know I can't stop it.  It's like I am Ruby, sitting in that shelter and although I have been told I am secure, there is a little bit of doubt.  The bombs are beginning to drop far off in the distance.  As the explosions grow louder and closer, my anxiety begins to rise.  Every bit of my being wants to flee.  It takes every ounce of strength and every bit of will to remain where I am and to trust that I am far safer here than trying to outrun the bombardment.

Today, I was blessed to hear the voice of God.  I did not recognize it at first.  It was a phrase that played over and over in my head.  "It's done.  It's done.  It's done."  It took a good long while for me to realize what was happening.  Then I thought, "Wait, Lord?  Is that you?"  And there it was.  The picture of Jesus on the Cross.  "It is finished."  Comprehension dawned.  "It's done."

See God already built the shelter for me.  I walked into it the day I accepted Jesus as my Savior.  I am His.  "Sin has lost its power.  Death has lost its sting!"  Nothing can separate me from God. My Pastor put it to us this way tonight:  When God is not present there is chaos, but when He shows up, EVERYTHING must submit.  It's like God is the eye of the storm.  So even when we feel like we are in the midst of life's hurricane we can find the ultimate peace in His arms.  In other words...

"Do not be afraid, my loves.  I am with you," says the Lord.
"But father, the storms are coming."
"I hear them.  But I have built a sturdy shelter to keep you safe."
"What if evil comes?"
"I am ready to fight for you."
"Father, I am frightened!"
"I know.  But trust Me child, I will not leave you.  You are safe in My arms."

I believe that Ruby could rest in the knowledge that her father was there.  Tonight, I will rest in knowledge that my heavenly Father will stay right by my side.  

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  Romans 8:38 - 39

Monday, October 17, 2011

Knowing Jesus

This weekend I went to Tampa to attend the Women of Faith conference.  It was a weekend filled with worship and Biblical wisdom.  I learned so much about myself.

We also had some frustrating and even slightly scary moments.  It's funny how the enemy will try to make you angry and he often succeeds.  But then God imparts just a tiny nugget of truth in you and all your frustration disappears.  I love that about God.  Satan works hard to spew lies into our lives and a little bit of truth makes it all go away.  Why?  Because my God is bigger!  He's stronger!  He's mightier!  And His voice grows louder in me everyday.  Praise God for that.

During devotion time I was trying to explain things I learned to the kids.  One of the things I was trying to explain was KNOWING Jesus.  This is how I explained it.  I hope this little analogy helps you too.

This summer we traveled to Illinois and met my niece's new husband Devon.  Jeff and AJ were not there so they don't know him at all. This is what it's like for the person who doesn't know Jesus at all.

Autumn, Alex and I met Devon and spent a little time with him over that week.  So we know him.  We know what he looks like.  But if I saw him in Publix here in Apopka, I probably would not recognize him unless he was with my niece.  First, it's out of context.  I might expect to see him in Illinois but not in Florida.  Also, I haven't seen him in a few months so I might not know his face immediately.  I would need confirmation from someone else to ensure that this was in fact Devon.  I liken this to those who go to church on Sunday.  Jesus is known in the church building or in the context of a Sunday sermon.  Outside of that though, the person may need confirmation.

Now if I saw my friend Jenni Pavon walking in Publix, it would only take a moment to realize that it was her.  While she lives in North Carolina now, I would still recognize her face and her voice almost immediately.  I have spent time with her and can, even now, hear her voice in my head.  This is the involved Christian.  The one who spends quite a bit of time at church and in fellowship with others.  This is the person who knows the lingo and recognizes what is expected because they've been "in the church" for a long period of time.

But if my husband was in Publix, or in a crowd of 10,000 people, I could pick him out almost immediately.  I know the way he looks, the way he stands, the way he moves, the way he speaks.  I even know the way he coughs and sneezes.  It is the same with my children.  I've known these people intimately for years.  I've spent almost everyday with them.  I've spent countless hours in conversations, I've spent time getting to know their likes and dislikes.

This is the relationship I strive to have with Jesus.  I want to know Him in a crowd of 10,000.  I want to know the way He looks, stands, moves and speaks. I want to know Him so intimately that when He calls my name, I immediately respond with, "Yes, Lord?"  The only way to do that is to spend countless hours speaking to Him.  Getting to know His likes and dislikes and learning about His history.  All of this is in the Word of God.  See when I was saved, I became His.  Now I want to recognize Him at any moment of my life.   To do that, I must spend time in prayer and in fellowship with Him.  To read and study His Word and apply it to my life.  To imitate His ways and show others His love.

"I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me, just as my Father knows me and I know the Father.  So I sacrifice my life for the sheep.  I have other sheep too, that are not in this sheepfold.  I must bring them also.  They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock with one shepherd."     John 10: 14 - 16 (NLT)

PS:  If you haven't already, click on the Quips and Quotes blog link on the side.  It will take you to some hilarious quotes said by my family and friends.  Most are from Autumn but I can't help that.  She just says what comes up and pays the price for it here.  LOL.

Friday, September 30, 2011

The More I Seek You

The more I seek You
The more I find You
The more I find You
The more I love You

I want to sit at Your feet
Drink from the cup in Your hand
Lay back against You and Breathe
Hear Your heartbeat

This love is so deep
It's more than I can stand
I melt in Your peace
It's overwhelming
The More I Seek You by Kari Jobe

I love this song. It is such a beautiful picture of the intimacy we have with God. And the words resonate true with me.
"The more I seek You, the more I find you."

This statement is so accurate. Just begin to study His Word, seek His will, pray for His peace and He is there! For me, it is similar to when I see or hear a new word that I swear I have never seen or heard before. I will go look it up in the dictionary or more than likely, I will just Google it. The definition pops up and I feel smarter for knowing how to use my new found friend. In the next week, I will hear that word ten times. Before I noticed the word, I would swear I had NEVER heard it in my 30 PLUS years on this planet, but in a week, I will hear it ten times. Does that mean the word is new? Did it just come out? Is it suddenly a popular word? No. It was there all along. I am just aware of it so I recognize it when I hear it. My friends, the same is true for God's voice. When you seek it, you will hear it. And when you hear it, you will know what it means.

"The more I find You, the more I love You."

How can you not? The love that was poured out has no comparison. The only thing that comes even slightly close is falling in love. Finding that person who you love a little more each time you learn something new. Seeing their face and feeling that crazy flutter in your heart. I can not fathom what the flutter will be like when I see my Jesus with my own eyes. What will happen to me when I gaze into those eyes and I see those scarred hands and feet? I tear up just thinking about it. It feels like I have been separated from the love of my life and my heart just aches to fall into His arms.

"I want to sit at Your feet,"

This is me being the learner. Like when we were in school and sat at the teacher's feet while she read us a story. But it's better because it's not a second hand reader. It is the Almighty who has experienced and seen everything so the stories are from the ultimate eyewitness. And just read a little of His word to see that He is the Master storyteller. What will we learn?

"Drink from the cup in Your hand"

In a social gathering we each have our own cup. We write our names on them so they don't get mixed up. When I was a child, my mother's drink was my drink. I know it made her crazy because she would come back to drink it and it would be gone. Now, my drink is my children's drink and I see why it made her nuts. But the point is, with Jesus, there is one cup. I get to accept it from Jesus and drink from it. There is a familiarity there. It is family.

"Lay back against You and Breathe
Hear Your heartbeat"

This is the line that gets me. When I was little, I loved to curl up on my dad's lap. Today, I can curl into my husband's arms. It is safe. It is secure. It is a comfort when I am sad or stressed. It is pure love. But these arms... wow... these arms are infinitely bigger, infinitely stronger, infinitely warmer. I can't even describe it. I once wrapped a child in a warm blanket to try to illustrate the comfort we will feel when we get to do this. It's the only thing I can think of but it seems so pale in comparison. The world will melt away. The troubles will be gone. No pain, no fear, no sadness. Just the perfect rhythm of Jesus' heart. A beating heart to prove that He once lived, that He still lives, that He will always live.

"This love is so deep
It's more than I can stand
I melt in Your peace
It's overwhelming"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." - Genesis 9: 13 - 16

Today is AJ's 20th birthday. Isn't it great to have a day where you know EXACTLY what you were doing at each hour of the day? It's easy when you know you spent most of it (14 hours to be exact) in a hospital waiting to meet your son. The rest of it was spent taking in every inch of him and learning how to be his mom. I was oh so young, but oh so determined. It is AJ's special day and it is my 20th anniversary in this job called motherhood. Thank You God for entrusting him to me. I am forever humbled by that blessing.

Today is one of those days that begin very early and promises to end very late. But it looks to be a good day. Here is why.

Let me set this up by telling you how much I hate getting up in the morning. It's not that I like to get up early, or late, I just plain detest the first-thing-in-the-morning feeling. I have never in my life, save maybe a trip to Disney, Christmas as a child or my wedding day, jumped out of bed, ready and excited to begin the day. I am just not wired that way. I have learned, however, that I am at my most productive when I am out of bed before 9 am. But 8:59 qualifies just fine for me.

Now you should understand the sarcasm when I tell you that I got up and drove Jeff to work this morning. He has to be to work by 7 am. We also had to go make a deposit at the bank, which is out at Disney. So, we left the house BEFORE 5:30 am.

Additionally, it was raining this morning. It began as a light sprinkle but varied between that and a steady downpour the whole way to work. I couldn't help but covet the people who were turning over in their beds, hearing the sound of rain on their roofs, and smiling as they drifted off to sleep again. That was how my morning would have started. Instead, I was holding a cup of coffee, trying to string a coherent sentence together whilst working up the strength to actually get the cup to my mouth. That really is no small task for this girl at 5:45.

As I was driving home an hour and a half later, I noticed a small streak in the sky. As I rounded the ramp to get on the turnpike, I realized it was the beginning of a rainbow. It steadily grew brighter and larger. I looked to the right a bit and saw the other half. The arch was obscured by clouds but you could see both legs. I was immediately struck by its beauty and reminded that God's promise is full and never obscured. What a positive thought to begin the day.

The rainbow grew even larger and more brilliant as I drove and I was completely focused on God's glorious presence right there in the car. Not only did I have no anxiety, I was in the complete absence of fear. Such amazing thoughts and beautiful images filled my head. I began to praise God right then and there. It is only by Him that I did not crash because I can tell you, I was not focused on the road. I know that because suddenly I turned off the turnpike onto the 408 and was headed back to Orlando. Yep, I completely turned in the wrong direction. You know what I did as I turned around? I laughed. I had such joy that not even extra tolls and a delay in getting back to my bed could bring me down.

When I returned to the turnpike, the rainbow was gone. I could no longer see it and it was raining again. Suddenly, I was so thankful that God's promise is not so fleeting. He is steadfast in His love and grace. And my heart was full. Praise God.

Finally, my scientific brain kicked in and I thought about how the clouds were covering the sun and that was why the rainbow was no longer visible. Which brought about another wonderful thought. How cool is it that it is the sun that brings the rainbow just like it is the Son that brings the promise? The promise of life eternal. The promise of freedom from pain, and fear, and suffering. Then the radio gave a scripture that fit so perfectly, it felt like my personal gift from God.
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." Hebrews 12:2

Have a day that is filled with His promise and His blessings.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Truth

WOW what a whirlwind the last few weeks have been. The only way to describe it is to say... School Has Begun! But on to the post.

The truth is that I am an anxiety sufferer.
The truth is that I am afraid most of the time.
The truth is that I am not alone.
The truth is that I serve a sovereign God.
The truth is that my God is bigger than my anxiety.
The truth is that my God can heal me.
The truth is that my God can choose not to.
The truth is that I will praise Him anyway.

This month my medication was changed and I was given samples. At my recheck I was supposed to pick up a script, but I haven't been in yet. I thought I had one more week covered with samples but I was wrong. So, I was in a bind because I needed the medication called into a pharmacy.

Problem one :
Now if you take medication on a regular basis, you know the drill. Call. Leave message. Wait. Normally the whole process takes about 48 hours. I was in panic mode because 48 hours without my meds is a bad thing. The side effects are minimal when you are on the meds but without them they are BAD. You can't go cold turkey. I can't begin to describe the feeling but imagine that skin crawling feeling you get when someone scratches their nails on the chalk board ALL THE TIME.

Problem two
I began having pain from a broken tooth in the back. The tooth must be extracted but the gum tissue around it has become infected. The oral surgeon would see me pronto. The problem isn't the tooth as much as it is my "dentaphobia." I am that ridiculous person who need valium to sit in the chair to get her teeth cleaned. I am a wimp. My other great fear is spiders. If I had to choose between the two, I would have to know which one would be over the soonest.

No anxiety meds., trip to the dentist. Not a great combination. I began to ask for prayers.

Problem Solved
It was the first time I had admitted, outside my closest friends and family, that I was one of "those people" who suffered from anxiety. I have had this stigma in my own mind for a really long time. But I needed prayer and I needed it right then. So I hit the send button.

The response was positive and powerful. First, the call came from the dr that they were calling in the script. I got that call almost an hour after the office closed for the day. Second, the words of prayer and encouragement lifted me up in a way that I can only describe as "the peace that surpasses all understanding." Third, not only was the oral surgeon painless, it was quick and I was out of the chair in no time. Even the xrays were easy. Plus while I was waiting, Z88 was on in the lobby. What did I hear from a guest on the Ellis and Tyler show? "God will never leave you, nor forsake you." The story had nothing to do with anxiety but the words were there just before I faced the dreaded chair. And finally, today the kind words have continued to pour in.

I am inspired to share more about my anxiety journey. I want to paint a picture showing what it is like to be a Christian, a mother and a wife suffering from anxiety. If you have it, I hope you will share with me what you are going through. I pray that you will let me know your needs so that I can pray for you. God is good. All the time!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Life as I knew it...

To say my childhood was "normal" would be quite the understatement. I was born here in Florida but my dad was transferred to New Jersey when I was about 2. We lived there for a few years and then in New York until we moved back to Florida when I was 5. We moved quite often until my parents bought a house in Orlando when I was in the 4th grade. That is where we stayed until I finished high school.

I was the youngest of 5 children but there are 11 years separating my sister and me. Consequently, except for the times when a sibling moved home for a time, I was raised as an only child. As the youngest, I was in a few weddings. My sister married when I was about 12 and my brother married when I was 14.

My brother was married not quite two years when they found out his wife had cancer. I remember that they moved home quickly after her diagnosis. She was close to my mom and wanted to be near my parents. She had a sweet temperament and a loving spirit. I don't think I know all the details but here is what I remember.

She came home and was severely depressed because she knew her diagnosis was terminal. She did not eat and lost weight quickly. I remember that we found out about her cancer in October. By the beginning of December, she was at the end. I remember the tense atmosphere and the hospice nurse. I remember the day my dad came to get me at school because she had passed away.

Just the other day, I learned that another dear woman passed away. Once again, her illness came quick and took her fast. It always amazes me how quickly memories come back when faced with a similar situation. They are not visual memories as much as they are emotional ones. I remember how I felt.

The one that has lingered has been fear. Fear that death could occur so quickly. It is not a fear of death. A quick, painless death does not scare me. It is the knowledge of impending death that causes angst. It is the fear that I won't have time to accept it. Or rather, that my family won't have time to accept it. It is a fear that I will still be in the anger stage or depressed stage when I can no longer communicate my love for them. It is a fear that my last words may not be loving. Of course, that fear comes with anything. I avoid it by trying so hard to watch my words. Sometimes I fail and I am anxious until I see that person again. So I guess the fear is that someone may die or I may die and those I love won't know how much I love them.

Today, I will strive to let my words and especially my actions speak love. I will remember that the words of Jesus and especially his actions spoke the ultimate love for me and for you!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day Five

Decided to post this early as I won’t have another chance to post until we get to the hotel on Tuesday Night. Today has been really laid back. YAY. Cleaned up from the party early, did some laundry and had worship time with the kids. Chris and Cheri left to catch a plane home and mom and dad are spending the day with my dad’s cousin in St. Louis. Tonight’s plans include GAMES. That makes me excited.

Tomorrow we head to St. Louis for the day for a mixture of fun and an educational field trip. I want the kids to see the Old Courthouse as we will be studying American History next year. We will also hang at the zoo for a little while and maybe go to a museum. Then we have to get back to pack up for home.

I won’t post again for awhile but will hopefully have some fun stories about tonight or tomorrow when I do. What follows is my thoughts on what we studied today during worship time.

We were in Hosea. I don’t remember the verses but it is the last few chapters where it talks about God’s love of Israel, Israel’s sin, God’s anger with Israel and, finally, repentance and blessing. I was so interested to see the parallels of Israel and our own country today. Let me take a moment to discuss. I don’t have my Bible with me at the library so this might be a little disjointed.

God loved Israel so much. He brought them out of Egypt, cared for them and did not want them to suffer under oppressive rule. Each time God was needed the people turned back to God and each time the chaos subsided, they turned away again.

Doesn’t that sound familiar? Think about the tyranny suffered by this country that incited the people to revolt against England. Against insurmountable odds, that revolt was successful. Why? Because the people really had NOTHING to lose.

Over 200 years have passed. We are comfortable. Once again we are beginning to see our rights slowly slip away. My dad told that they are trying to pass a law, or maybe they already passed it, that says our soldiers can’t have a cross on their gravestone at federal cemeteries. Interesting since some of them are dying to protect that freedom. That incites me. In Texas, they are not allowed to use the words prayer, amen, or say bow your head during a graduation ceremony. That incites me.

Why aren’t more people upset? They are. But they have EVERYTHING to lose. Our ancestors were not thinking about their generation when they fought the revolution, they were thinking about the future. What about us? What are we thinking about?

I’m not talking “revolution” but we can not be silent and let these things happen. We have to speak out. We have to keep our eyes open and see what is happening all around us. We have to read the Constitution and learn what it really means.

I believe that God loves us. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Risen Savior and that he sits at the right hand of the Father. I believe that we have the right to proclaim that and we should not be ashamed. Turn back to God and don’t turn away once the chaos subsides. God has allowed us to come this far as a nation but I believe that he will allow us to fall if we don’t stay focused on him. Repentance will yield blessing. It was promised to Israel and it is still true today. God Bless.

Love to all.

Day Four

Today was the reception day. It was well planned which meant that there wasn’t a whole lot to do. Time flew of course until it was time to start the party. Here are the highlights of today.

- We went to the library. Usually that would not be a cause for excitement but here, Library = Internet. Going back tomorrow to look more things up.

- Got to love on my grand niece, Elin, a little more today. I got some super cute shots of her.

- Autumn drove a cherry red Camaro. I think she enjoyed it.

- Lots of dancing tonight. My feet actually hurt a lot.

- Watched my mom and dad dance to “God Blessed the Broken Road.” Yep, I cried.

Truthfully, I enjoyed hanging out with everyone last night. The reception is fun and really beautiful. I just liked being with our family. I am staying up hoping that as it quiets down, we will be able to rejoin the party. It is just too crazy for my laid back kids.

I forgot to mention on of the most special things from yesterday. I got to hang out with Addy and she really enjoyed looking at pictures of my cats on the computer. She kept licking her hand and washing her face like a cat. She was so excited. I love these girls. I really wish we were closer.

Tomorrow is a day to clean up, rest and worship. Even if we don’t get to church, we will take the time to worship our amazing God. Enjoy your sabbath.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Illinois Vacation Day Three

I thought this was going to be a boring blog today. It was errand and prep day for the reception tomorrow. The most exciting part was making dinner for the family and having extra large flames in the oven.

However, when the sun went down, the freaks came out. OK, not really freaks but my freaky family. We had an absolute blast. The best part of the evening, was the locusts.

This is the year of the locusts. According to my brother Mike, they only come out every 13 years to mate. They crawl out of a hole in the ground, shed their exoskeleton and fly around making this really loud screechy sound. They mate, and then crawl back into the hole and go dormant for 13 years. When we were driving we heard them but didn’t know what we were hearing at the time.

Apparently, my three sisters are afraid of them. That was just funny to me. So I got up and flicked one away from Angi. It screeched as it flew away. Seriously. It was great. Suddenly they were everywhere. The girls threatened me because I wanted to pick them up. They aren’t scary. They are kind of neat. Cheri ended up going inside because they were inescapable. A few seconds later she ran back outside with one on her arm screaming my name. My brother Chris was there so she was saved by her husband. It was so comical.

So I spent the evening laughing and talking, and getting accused of breaking wind by someone who shall remain nameless but it sounds like Debbie Fontaine! It was a great evening and we went to bed with sore abs from all the laughing. Reception is tomorrow! More to come.

Quote of the Day

Cheri and Angi talking about age. Cheri gave her age and we were surprised. She meant to say, “I may act young.” Instead she said, “I may act stupid, but I don’t look it.”

The Tale of the Garbage Can Monster

Autumn and I were sleeping on the air mattress in the room with my parents. We like to listen to audio books to go to sleep and since my dad uses a sleep apnea machine, we knew my parents wouldn’t be disturbed by it. Well hilarity ensued. Here is the story of the Garbage Can Monster!!

Autumn and I were giggly because every time one of us moved, the other one would roll to the middle of the bed. We thought it was funny that we had no control over our bodies. Dad was in the bathroom and mom was playing a computer game on her laptop in the kitchen. Anyway, suddenly there was this awful sound. It kind of sounded like a bear. As an aside let me say that my brother’s property is surrounded by trees. Again, see the pictures when they are posted to facebook.

So the sound was like a bear growl or like a metal planter scraping across stone or cement. Autumn got off the bed SO FAST and ran down the hallway. As she was going she said, “I am outta here!” She was really headed to the other bathroom but it made me laugh even harder. Since we were already giggling, we got in trouble by my mom who was in the kitchen. She said we were being too loud. That just made me laugh more

After I calmed a bit, I went into the bathroom and realized there was no toilet paper. As I was looking for it in the closet, my foot hit the metal garbage can and it moved across the bathroom floor which is stone tile. Eureka .... that was the sound. I came out of the bathroom and Autumn had figured it out too. Then my dad looked over from the bed. He had his Apnea machine on which hooks to his face. No lie, it looks like the device they put on Hannibal Lector (my sister said it makes him look like snuffaluffagus but that doesn't fit the scary story theme.) Now I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe. Scary sounds and a cannibal in the room with us in a house in the woods. We were officially in a bad horror film. It took me a long time to calm down. Every time I saw my dad’s face in my head, I started rolling again.

Illinois Vacation Day Two

So yesterday was eventful. We only had a little ways to go, about 6 hours, before we arrived in Central City / Centralia, IL. However, the day included a new chapter in the Rest Area Saga.

At noon, we began looking for a rest area for our lunch stop. The first one came up as we neared the Kentucky / Illinois border. As we were looking for it, we realized that the area was actually up on the exit.... that we were passing. Strike one. Since we were nearing the border, we figured there would be a Welcome Center in a few miles and we were now wise to the “Rest Area at the Exit” trick.

The next one was the last rest area for 47 miles. As we veered onto the exit, we saw a small sign under the Rest Area sign. It said, “Rest Area Closed.” Too late. We were already off the exit. Strike two.

Fortunately, we were in Metropolis. No seriously, we were in Metropolis Illinois. So Mom turned right because now I was in need of a stop for more than just lunch. The first gas station... closed. Strike three.

We turned around and saw a BP over the bridge. Relief at last. This was the Superman BP. Of course we took pics which will be up when I figure out how to get them off the camera. There was Superman souvenirs and Superhero themed restrooms. I headed into the Wonder Woman’s room. (LOL) The VERY nice lady at the check out counter told me there was a park a little ways up so we got lunch before 3:00.

Make sure you read my next entry so you can see my traveling awards. If you are traveling this summer, it might help you!

We arrived at my brother’s house in one piece. It was great to see everyone. They have a crazy dog named Jersey (see my pics later). Jersey is a lab puppy. You’ll have to look at the picture to see the size of this dog. I was actually afraid to open my door when we arrived. Rightly so. When I did, the monster climbed up into my lap in the driver’s seat of the van and tried to drool me to death. Jersey is an ankle biter who tries to eat the shoes off your feet. She is so stinkin’ cute but so stinkin’ annoying all at the same time. Last night we were sitting on the porch when Jersey came up and snatched a plant right out of the pot. I thought my sister-in-law Debbie would kill her. They also have an older rat terrier named Spike. Spike does not like the menace of a puppy who is 4-5 times his size. The puppy can fit Spike’s back in her mouth. I literally saw her do it this morning.

I met my grand niece (yes I said grand niece or is it great niece?). Anyway, she is 11 months old and adorable. I stole her from her daddy and refused to give her back for a while. I also saw my other adorable grand niece, Addison. Addison is amazing. If you want the whole story about Addy you will have to call me. It’s too much to explain in a blog and I don’t think I can do her justice. Let’s just say she is a very special little girl.

Ok so after driving and fending off a puppy drool attack and meeting the nieces and their guys along with the kiddos, we went shopping with Debbie. KFC for dinner. Maurices for clothes. Walmart for supplies. Then we came home and showered and time for bed.

Quotes of the Day:

Alex: “There are a BUNCH of people outside. There is a pair of guys outside waxing their car.”

Alex: “Autumn, I get the seat with more leg room because I have more legs.”

Autumn: (In the hotel) “Why would I call them for a wake up call. It’s so stupid. If I’m calling then I’m obviously already awake!”

Note from the Author

So since I don't have internet access at my brother's house, I am writing them and then posting them when I can get to the library. So today there are several. Read them all.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Illinois Vacation Day One

We left at 7:00 am which was on time. We thought we were doing good and trucked along for several hours. Then we stopped at a rest area outside of Macon, GA to walk the dogs and to have lunch.

Two problems with the rest area. First it was unbelievably hot. Hotter than Florida!! Second, the dogs were not allowed in the picnic area and I was afraid to leave them in the car, even with the windows down. So, me in all my brightness decided to drive on for awhile. This was at 12:30.

So we drove. Then we drove. After that, we drove some more. Do you know that there are NO rest areas between Mile Marker 108 and Mile Marker 308 in Georgia? It was one of those situations where you knew if you stopped at the exit, you would get back on to 75 only to discover a rest area around the next bend. But that never happened. 200 miles, no rest area.

Finally at 3:00 we stopped at gas station. Lo and behold, we forgot the jelly at home. So I went into the station and not surprisingly, no jelly. Alex will not eat any other kind of sandwich except PBJ and toasted cheese. Thankfully, we thought, there was a Chik Fil A at the same exit. Would you believe that JUST before we walked in a bus pulled up and filled the dining room and the drive thru line was around the building? Yep it really happened. So I told Alex we would stop at another CFA.

Afterwards, we hit Atlanta. It wasn't too bad although we hit a little traffic. In the heat of getting through the city, Alex points out a CFA. There was no way to stop there. On the north side of Atlanta, Dad and I were nervous that our luck would continue. After all, it had been a while since we saw a CFA sign. Luckily, we found one pretty quick, or rather, a sign for one.

We made a bee line for the exit. 1.9 miles to the left. Well there was no Chic Fil A that we could find anywhere in that 1.9 miles. NONE! Then there was the issue of turning around and getting back on the highway. The good news is we found a Subway and we got Alex a sandwich. Now before you think that Alex did not eat all day, we did have snack food that he happily munched on.

We stopped a little after 8:00. That would be 9:00 for you all on the east coast. Now it is time to sleep and start again tomorrow. Pray that it will be better and if not, that we won't run into any problems bigger than the little inconveniences we faced today. Love to all.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Wow it's been a week? I was doing really good there for awhile. This week has been a whirlwind and I just keep spinning. At some point I will hit the ground, hopefully running. Home for now. I leave with the two youngest kids Wednesday to head to Illinois. Here is what I loved about the last week.

I loved hanging out with Rachel and Kelsey at my mom's while they were visiting Autumn.
I loved that Autumn bought a real bathing suit that she likes.
I loved Jeff having a few days vacation.
I loved sitting by the pool reading my bible.
I loved the smell of the grill while Jeff cooked for us.
I loved hearing about Mom and Dad's trip.
I loved the Homeschool Convention and the inspiration to do this another year.
I loved hearing that Alex scored his first basket in his last game of the season!
I loved church on Sunday and hearing another great message.
I loved Paige taking over the director of house cleaning for me on Sunday.
I loved having people over for Family and Friend Dinner and Devo night.
I loved AJ being home to play games last night.
I loved having Jenni and Albert Pavon stop by to hang for 12ish hours.
I loved eating breakfast at Chuck's Wagon.
I loved playing games with J&A before they had to leave.
I loved my Gator snuggie from J&A and I WILL be taking it to Illinois.
I loved hanging out at the Bores' house tonight and catching up with friends.
I loved my crazy daughter driving me around in the golf cart and having to push it up hill.
I loved laughing until my sides hurt at DJ describing their London vacation.

And those are the HIGHLIGHTS! I could go on and on. I love my crazy life. I am abundantly blessed by an awesome God!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Art's BBQ Review

Today we were looking for a new place for lunch and we happened on Art's BBQ. It is near the Altamonte Mall in the plaza with Red Brick and Planet Smoothie.

My first impression was that they weren't very friendly. Well the first time we met the guy up front he wasn't very friendly. But I set that aside to see if they were able to make up for a bad first impression. Man did they ever!

Before the food arrived, I took in the look and feel of the place. Jeff said it felt like we were eating on someone's back porch. He was right. It felt like a patio but it was inside, so outside with air conditioning (always a plus). Everything about the dining room was impeccably clean. I have a habit of running my hand across the table (an old server's habit I guess). No stickiness, no greasiness, nothing. The bathroom was also spotless.

A place that boasts "Southern Style BBQ" is expected to have great sweet tea. I was not disappointed. But it was the food that made me an instant Art's BBQ fan. What a great experience! I had a BBQ pork sandwich. The meat was tender, the bread was fresh and the sauce was the perfect mix of sweet and spicy. I also had fries which were normal crinkle fries but expertly seasoned. Paige had the same thing with fried okra which was amazing. I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed their meal. Add to that the cleanliness and, in the end, a friendly staff and we will be back. If you are looking for something besides mall food, I recommend you stop by Art's and give it a try. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Oh and by the way, it reheats well too.

Be blessed!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Examiner Articles

Here are the two articles that I posted at If you like what you read, please click on the link and go to my article. I actually get paid by the traffic to my article. Thanks

Homeschooling on a Budget? Attend a Used Curriculum Sale.

Curriculum can be very expensive. Add to that supplies, field trips and other expenses and the cost of homeschooling can increase dramatically.

One way to curb spending, is to buy curriculum used. This can save a significant amount of money and enable parents to pick up books, charts, supplies, and even computer programs for a fraction of the cost. To recoup some money and/or help fund next year’s books, consider selling used curriculum at a local sale.

There are two major Used Curriculum sales in June and they are both looking for buyers and sellers.

The first sale is Circle Christian School’s annual Used Curriculum Sale. This event is in its twentieth year and is the largest sale in our area. For the first time ever, the event is in danger of being cancelled due to a lack of sellers. They are looking for 100 more sellers to make this event a success. It will be held Friday, June 3rd from 9am to 11:30am at First Baptist Church Orlando. No children under 12 or rolling carts are allowed into the sale. Before you go, be sure to check the school’s website for any last minute information. Seller packet and event details are available here.

Central Florida Home Educators is the other major sale in June. The Willow Creek Sale has combined with The Reagent Academy sale to become Central Florida Home Educators. This event will be held on June 18th from 8am – 12pm at Metro Life Church in Casselberry. There will be 150 plus sellers and it will be held on a Saturday for the first time. Again, no rolling carts or children under 10 will be allowed into the sale. More information on buying, selling or volunteering for this sale can be found here.

Like this article, click here.

Homeschool Convention 101

Florida Parent Educators Association (FPEA) will hold their annual homeschool convention from May 26 - 29. Every year, thousands of people converge on the convention to be lifted up and equipped for the new school year. If you are going for the first time, the experience can be overwhelming so here are some tips for the first timer.

The Venue

This year, the convention has returned to the BEAUTIFUL Gaylord Palms Resort. The best thing about Gaylord Palms is the activities. Bring the whole family and they can explore the resort for hours while you shop or attend conferences. Of course, your little ones will need supervision but dads love hanging out in the atrium.

The Speakers

FPEA has a list of all their speakers and their topics on the website. Basically, you can break them down this way.

Encouragement - Lectures that help encourage or lift up the homeschool family as a whole. These may focus on moms, dads, kids, teens, etc. You may laugh or cry but you will leave with a new insight into your own family.

How -To’s - These lectures help you with specifics on homeschooling. How to teach science, language, history. How to organize your homeschool. How to manage your time better. For these, the best advice is to glean information, don’t try to fit yourself into the speaker’s mold.

Vendor Workshops - These are usually curriculum specific or product specific. How to bind books, teach using a specific book, etc. If you find something new you think you love, go to the vendor workshop.

The Curriculum Hall

The PROMISED LAND!! This is either your heaven or, well you know. When you walk in this room, be prepared.

Here is typically what happens. You come into the convention and the speakers have GREAT ideas. You see all the topics and realize, “Oh no, I am not teaching Lilly latin and Bobby hasn’t had physics yet. They are going into 2nd grade. How could I have let them get this far behind?”

Of course this feeling of inadequacy is only fueled by the 2nd grade prodigy at the piano, the family in matching homemade clothes and the curriculum booth with smiling, polite children working together. These families are genuinely amazing but they are not typical. The typical family can’t play legos, will complain vehemently until you take the polka dot shirt off Bobby and require vaseline on the teeth to ensure a constant smile.

DO NOT fall into the inadequacy trap. You can easily overspend in the hall thinking you are not doing enough for your child. Usually that means lots of extra curriculum at home that will not be used.

To be successful, treat it like a trip to the grocery store. Go in with a plan and a list. Do your homework. Research potential curriculum online and use the booth to get your questions answered. Use the hall to get ideas and then do your research at home. Find out the online price so you know how deep the convention discount is.

Don’t forget, there are numerous used curriculum sales in Central Florida. Remember that you can probably get it cheaper somewhere else. This is especially true for readers and older editions.

Finally, enjoy the convention. This is a wonderful weekend that your entire family will enjoy. Set aside time to relax and spend time just hanging out. Don’t be fooled though. For the teacher, this is a working weekend so stay hydrated, eat well and be prepared. Go in with a plan and you will walk away ready to take on another year of educating your children at home.

Like this article, click here.


I began writing for recently. However, I don't have the freedom I thought I would in regard to my writing. It is fine but they recommend I keep it to a certain number of words and I am supposed to write about events and things that happen. I will continue to write for them. Here, I will attempt to encourage, inspire, inform and humor. Please feel free to comment and express your opinions about my writing. I would love to get feedback. It will make me a better writer.

I have been listening to the Casey Anthony trial for the past week. If you live under a rock, she's the lady here in Orlando who is charged with murdering her 2 year old daughter. I know it is sensational but it is really interesting to listen to the court proceedings. I don't like to read or listen to news recaps because they always get something wrong. But listening to the proceedings without the spin of analysts and others is very informative. I also participate in a live blog and we can ask questions about the proceedings. I have learned so much about court procedure and the tactics of both sides. As a matter of fact, I've learned enough to know that my decision to go into nursing is the absolute right choice for me.

In other news today, I am still at Mom and Dad's. They are on day 2 of their cruise. Lucky dogs. I mean them, not Harley and Shadow. It is day 3 of our mini vacation here at Casa de Fontaine. We are so thrilled to have a pool to use. Anyone notice that it has been nice and cool the last three days? Yep that's the way it goes. No pool for me. Maybe later today if it gets hot again.

Anyone else going to the homeschool convention next week? I didn't realize how close it was. I can't wait. Let me know if you are going. I'd love to meet up with you.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So today is day 2 of the mini vacation. I have found a new favorite spot beside the pool. I can sit here for a little while until the sun makes its way over the house. I sat out here for about 2 hours last night. It is quite relaxing.

This morning I finished reading James 1. This section was all about listening and doing. I think this section really speaks to what I've been neglecting, a careful and consistent reading of the scriptures. I have often been the doer. That is easy for me. I like to see results so doing is a good thing. But the listening is harder. Like most, I don't like to hear that I am wrong and sometimes scriptures admonish me.

What about the anger part? I admit that I am slower to anger, but still not slow to anger. Unfortunately, my "anger" comes out in tears and anxiety instead of raging words, although that has been known to happen too. Verse 20 says "for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." If you are successful in this area. would you share with me how you do it? Share how you are able to let the anger go. I would again love to hear from you!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Putting Things in Context

Today is Day 1 of the mini vacation. We are staying at my mom and dad's house and I am trying to treat it like a house we rented for the week to get away from it all. Of course, AJ's not here and Jeff has to work so it is only a little like a vacation. But I plan to enjoy some downtime.

This past weekend my friend Tricia brought a short "blurb" in a magazine to my attention. It once again reminded me that we really need to watch what we read and make sure that we check facts to see that what we are being "fed" is the correct information. The gist of the blurb was two simple sentences that fell under the title of, "When tragedy happens, is it from God?" The article said that James 1:17 says every good gift is from God. The writer concludes that since this is the case, bad things never come from God. What follows is my letter to the editor of this magazine about the blurb. I haven't sent it yet as I would love to discuss this further to be sure that I too am not taking things out of context.

“When tragedy happens, is it from God?”

First, the statement is taken completely out of context. This section of James 1 is about trials and temptations. The discussion of trials is found in verses 2-12. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1: 2-4) From here James discusses briefly how to ask for wisdom and why those who face trials should feel blessed. The section on trials ends with: “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him,” (James 1:12). No where in here is the verse about all good gifts coming from God.

The next section speaks to temptation. A reading of 13 -15 reveals that God does not tempt. According to the passage, temptation is a result of desire. Desire can then give birth to sin and sin to death. That is what is said directly before the passage quoted in the blurb. Verses 16 -18, “Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all he created.” So while the writer wants us to consider verse 17 when thinking of trials, the context is given in terms of temptation. The fastest way to discredit your statements are to give facts out of context.

Second, let’s consider verse 17 by itself, as the writer did. The summation of the verse from the blurb says that “every good gift comes from God.” While this is a true statement, the conclusion of “Therefore, if it is not good it can’t be from God” is flawed logic. Following that train of thought I could say “Germs causes illness, therefore if it is not a germ it cannot cause illness.” The first part of the statement is correct. Germs do in fact cause illness. However, taking it to the next statement causes it to be incorrect. We all know that illness may be caused by more than just germs. Similarly, God does in fact give every good gift however, the verse does not PROVE that bad things do not come from God.

Proof that God can and has caused bad things can be found throughout the bible: Job, Jeremiah, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Great Flood, etc. I believe, that while it is a great comfort to think that bad things can’t come from a loving God, it just is not backed up by the bible. We are His children and can therefore be rebuked and even punished by Him as is the case by our earthly parents. And in the same way, it is done in a spirit of love by a God who wants to see us learn and be our very best selves.

Please read James 1: 2 -18 and tell me if you agree with these statements. This has opened several discussions for our family about being careful how we use scripture, understanding that we have to be sure to check claims written about scripture, and the importance of God's discipline in our lives. So comment away!